Whats a girl to do?
I used to be four years old and dancing around the house, oblivious to fashion, happy in my mom’s choice of clothes!! Fasht forward to 2017. Well a little different story, although I will still take mom’s advice on this top or that top, but I give her the choices. She usually picks one, my sister picks the other. Ahhhh! 🙂
This year I launch the GLSTN blog. All about my own views on fashion and the fantastic products that make up (no pun intended) the fashion world. I hope all my friends, followers and fellow fashionistas will feel free to contribute to the conversation. The reason there are sooooo many choices out there is because we all have our own (usually influenced) ideas of what works for us, so my views are just that. If you like some of what I say thats great, and I hope you do find value in the comments and reviews. I know that these days sometimes nothing seems out of fashion – although we will all say at times “WTF” is she / he wearing.
Join me as we review diff products for all parts of our bodies, from lips to hips, with pointers on how to use them, fav colours, and where to find them. I don’t know about you but I can always find a little more space for one more dress…